7 Steps for Upskilling Your Workforce

Actions you can take now to get ready for what's next.

Keeping people's skills current is the biggest talent challenge of our time. Increases in remote working, advances in technology, and the ongoing push toward more automation make employee development increasingly critical. And yet in a recent study, only 22% of HR and C-suite leaders said they provided training to meet upskilling needs, even though 91% believed it was their company’s responsibility. 

Done effectively, upskilling can boost employee engagement, reduce turnover, and promote internal mobility.

We want to help you get upskilling right. Download our new step-by-step upskilling guide from Degreed CLO Kelly Palmer. You’ll get practical and actionable insights on how to:

  • Identify the key future skills your teams need
  • Tie learning to real career opportunities within your organization
  • Choose metrics that matter to communicate your success

Plus, you’ll see how Degreed is using this same framework to implement an upskilling strategy among our own employees.

Download the Guide